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Black Grunge

May 5th, 2020

At this point, we're getting a little tired of this lockdown and the vague, constantly moving political goal posts. The stated goal of the lockdown was to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed and they haven't. The emergency Army medical field hospital in Seattle was broken down without even seeing a single patient. We've long since been EXporting ventilators to other states and we have absolutely flattened the curve. No one's forcing anyone *out* of quarantine, but we don't feel the numbers justify a continued shutdown of such a huge portion of the population. We can move forward making informed decisions about this new threat. We here at Lunatic operate in an extremely clean environment and will implement even stricter standards while we wait for the green light so that we're ready to hit the ground running when it finally comes time.

Unfortunately and much to our dismay, we are *CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE*. We will be back once this nonsense lifts officially. We are actively trying to scramble to keep up with this latest extension. Thank you for your patience as we try and sort this all out. Please check back here for updates and/or feel free to reach out to your artist (links and contact info on our main page - to discuss an appointment you already have scheduled, or to start bouncing those new ideas around for your next piece.

I imagine a future world where we will transition into a hurricane/tornado warning system like response. Where we check the weather channel for the latest Virus Threat Level 1, 2, 3, etc... All under the watchful eye of the latest and greatest 'virus surveillance' systems.

Oh, yeah! Don't forget to vote for us in the Best of Clark County this year (please)! (

>Best of Clark County >Health and Beauty >Lunatic Tattoo

We would like to thank you all for you continued support and business over the many years. We appreciate you and hope that you're all holding up well during this crazy show. We look forward to seeing you again on the other side of this. Be well!


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